Research & Education

Boost Your Patient's Metabolism With This Simple Checklist

One of the most popular catchphrases in the weight loss world today is Boost your metabolism. It is synonymous with losing weight. Metabolism defines the amount of energy needed to run the body machine and a healthy metabolism implies burning this energy efficiently enough to stay fit and trim.

The condition known as metabolic syndrome is simply a collection of symptoms resulting from a rundown body engine. The sluggishness in the metabolism can be a result of age hormonal imbalance poor diet lack of sleep or lack of exercise and it will be reflected as a bulging waistline. Therefore more and more people are looking for sustainable metabolic boosts to produce energy-efficient systems and more svelte bodies.

Following is a simple yet helpful checklist to help your patients give their metabolism a boost.

Drink green tea or take green tea extract supplements.

Studies have found that green tea works as a metabolic booster. It increases thermogenesis and total energy expenditure and also fat oxidation.

Green tea contains a high concentration of polyphenolic compounds known as catechins with epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCg). Studies have examined the preventive effects of green tea and EGCG against the symptoms of metabolic syndrome and the results demonstrate promising effects in both genetic and dietary models of obesity insulin resistance hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. EGCg also prevents sugar from being stored as fat in fat cells by acting on insulin.

Whether replacing your five cups of coffee per day with green tea or taking EGCg supplements the benefits of a boost can be sourced from that green tea leaf.

Get enough sleep.

It is common sense that our bodies cannot function without enough rest but it's also a biological fact that those who get sleep have more success losing weight. This is because when sleep is restricted dieters produced higher levels of ghrelin a hormone that triggers hunger and reduces energy expenditure. Ghrelin is an energy gremlin of sorts.

Sleep is an important modulator of neuroendocrine function and glucose metabolism. Sleep loss therefore alters the our metabolisms in a significant way by affecting endocrine functions glucose tolerance insulin sensitivity release of cortisol levels of ghrelin leptin and hunger responses.

Rev up the mitochondria.

Dubbed the cell's power house  the mitochondria's primary role is to produce ATP the energy currency of the cell. It is within the mitochondria where cellular metabolism is regulated. Mitochondria deterioriate with age due to ongoing exposure to free radicals which accelerate the destruction of the cell's components. As the mitochondrial function declines the cells become starved for energy and damaged which causes them to function less efficiently. Therefore if we increase the capacity of the mitochondria we are increasing the capacity of energy production. Fortifying the cell's powerhouse can be likened to tweaking the parts of the car that help keep the engine strong.

One such way to improve the function of the mitochondria is with pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) a water-soluble vitamin-like compound and Rhodiola rosea a popular adaptogen. PQQ stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis while Rhodiola rosea enhances the mitochondrial energy production.

Carnitine is a great addition as it supports the transport of fat into the mitochondria where it can be burned for energy. Studies have shown that carnitine supplementation improves the body's efficiency of fat burning. 

Athletes using supplemental carnitine have been known to notice higher energy during competition.

Get your Omega-3s...

Omega-3s have been found to balance blood sugar and reduce inflammation both which are related to metabolism. Omega-3s also reduce resistance to the hormone leptin which is linked to how quickly fat is burned. 

And your MCTs.

Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) can get burned for energy (instead of being stored as fat) acting like a carbohydrate but without the requirement of insulin. Therefore MCTs are more readily used as a source of energy and lead to an increase in metabolism.

Proper diet.

Eliminate trans fats. Eating trans fats can lead to insulin resistance and inflammation crippling metabolism.  At the same time get enough protein. Diets higher in protein help preserve lean body mass the best fat-burner of all.

Citrus fruits tend to make a person more sensitive to insulin. Start the day with grapefruit and consider adding the health-promoting polyol xylitol which has few calories and has been shown to slow down stomach emptying time keeping you less hungry. 

Apples contain pectin a soluble fiber that controls sugar levels after a meal.

Spicy foods such as jalapeno and cayenne peppers contain a heat-generating compound called capsaicin which induces thermogenesis increasing in the energy expenditure from the production of heat that takes place after eating.