Research & Education

Novel Red Grape Cells Complex Supports Metabolic Health

Red wine and red grapes have earned a good reputation for supporting cardiovascular and metabolic health due to their polyphenols, including resveratrol. A novel red grape cells complex such as Vinia® may make it easier to supplement these polyphenols in a synergistic manner that is similar to whole foods.

Red grape cells complex derive red grape cells from red grape skins, flesh, pulp, and seeds, providing the full spectrum of nutrients and polyphenols found in red wine and grapes to support health. This includes the polyphenols of resveratrol, tannins, quercetin, catechins, and anthocyanins. Studies on red grape cell complex powders have demonstrated the potential to support metabolic health.

Red grape cells are similar to agricultural red grapes, including the nutrients and polyphenol makeup. One in vitro study compared red grapes cell complex and agricultural red grapes and found a comparable polyphenol content. The main difference between the two was that the red grape cell complex contained twice the level of resveratrol. The resveratrol also demonstrated a high bioavailability with six times the solubility compared to resveratrol from polygonum, providing the potential to exert even more potential benefits to health, such as supporting antioxidant status and promoting a healthy inflammatory response. Excess oxidative stress and chronic inflammation in metabolic health include increasing risk of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes.

Studies using red grape cell complex have demonstrated the potential to support metabolic health. In one animal study, rats with metabolic syndrome consumed a high-fat diet, which led to an increase in blood pressure, triglycerides, insulin, and adiponectin levels. Supplementing with red grape cell complex powder led to an attenuation of these increases in blood pressure, triglycerides, and insulin, which may help prevent metabolic dysfunction and cardiovascular disease.

A randomized, controlled trial investigated the potential of red grape cell powder on cardiovascular health. Fifty participants with prehypertension and mild hypertension consumed 200 mg or 400 mg of red grape cell powder or a placebo daily for 12 weeks. The group taking the red grape cell powder experienced an improvement in flow-mediated dilation. They also had a significant decrease in lipid peroxidation, which is associated with atherosclerosis. Additionally, taking 200 mg of red grape cell powder led to a significant decrease in diastolic blood pressure compared to a placebo.

Another study of 33 participants with type 2 diabetes reviewed the potential of red grape cells on glycemic control and clock genes. The participants were randomized to consume 1,000 mg of red grape cell powder or a placebo for 12 weeks. The group taking the red grape cell powder experienced a greater reduction in hemoglobin A1c levels (0.55 compared to 0.16). Additionally, there was an increase in insulin sensitivity. Consuming the red grape cells complex led to an effect on clock gene expression that may reflect a phase shift of circadian rhythm and may benefit diabetic parameters.

Metabolic health is supported by the consumption of a diet rich in polyphenols, such as those found in red grapes and wine. Some individuals may find benefits to their health by increasing their polyphenol intake with supplements featuring red grape cells complex, which provides a similar synergistic blend of nutrients and polyphenols to whole foods. This may support antioxidant status and promote a healthy inflammatory response to benefit overall health.*

By Kendra Whitmire, MS, CNS